Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Isaac aka Toddler Extraordinaire

Is there anything more endearing than witnessing a baby's first steps?  Imagine the change in perspective and sense of mobility as a baby crosses that threshold from crawling to walking.  I would love to have had a decoding of Isaac's mind as he embarked on his new status.  It was such a thrill to see his face last month as he took those first steps.  As we have observed his determined, wobbly gait via Skype, there is no doubt that this young man is ready to explore the world.  Diane says it is so amusing to watch as he gleefully explores each corner of their house.  Clearly, he is quite proud of his new status.  So, Nana and Grandpa want to convey a bevy of virtual Hugs and Kisses to celebrate Isaac's first birthday!!! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks to bestow the real things.....perhaps we can also add a nice messy chocolate cake.  Clearly being a little guy who loves to eat, we might have to appropriate a portion for the rest of us first.

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