Friday, September 30, 2011

Joyeux anniversaire, Kelly!

Yes, happy 40th to French!  Given that I have no foreign language skills, it is a real treat to have a daughter-in-law who speaks French.  Not only did Kelly bring much needed language skills to our family, but her musical ability is much appreciated, as well.  I especially enjoyed watching her play piano for Adam from the time he was only a few weeks old.  It seems with two active young boys, there is little time now to indulge her interest in piano....but, maybe someday again.  I understand Joe was particularly delighted to have a "donut birthday breakfast celebration."  I hope the rest of your special day is everything you envision.  I hope you are thinking of some place special for you and me celebrate with a birthday lunch during my October visit.  Perhaps some place Thai!!!  Passez une bonne journée.

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